Saturday 27 June 2020

Four more Bad Squiddo Amazons

This is my penultimate Amazon post. Scroll down to see all four.

Above are an archer and a warrior. Below are two more warriors.

I have tried to stick to a relatively limited colour palette throughout, but a few splashes of red and pale blue seem to lift the appearance of the group as a whole. They have been a fun project, but it isn't quite finished, though. I still have to finish painting the Goddess Athena and I have a few minis left that I want to turn into a vignette, but that will have to wait. Hopefully, I'll  get Athena done this weekend, bar varnishing, because of the humidity.

So, this is the complete Band of Sisters. The final post will be their Queen, who obviously has to be called Hippolyta. I'll probably include a group shot in that post, too.


  1. Seeing your amazons painted is getting me enthused to get more of mine painted up!
