Tuesday 2 May 2023

Twenty Planetary Defence Force troops for Xenos Rampant

These 20 figures are all based on the Stargrave Mercenaries plastic box. I split them into four fire teams;

The first two fire teams will make one Increased Size squad and the next two will be another one.

Although I've given these a standard colour scheme, because they are supposed to be regular troops, you can see that they aren't all identically equipped. They have a variety of helmet types and also different styles of body armour. I think that this gives the impression of a kind of second division force, equipped as Heavy Infantry, but lacking the most up to date equipment.

I think that for Xenos Rampant I will use these as squads of 10 troopers but not give them refinements like Heavy Weapons or Armour Piercing ammunition. Therefore, they will be tough troops but lacking the punch of their better equipped equivalents in the front line units that can be deployed anywhere a threat emerges.

I am now getting quite close to finishing off all the plastic Stargrave figures I've stuck together, but I still have the Crew I and Crew II sets to work on at some point in the future. These are definitely not military types but will still be useful as some of the lesser troop classes in the Xenos Rampant rules.

1 comment:

  1. Looks good. Not far removed from the GZG types.
