Tuesday 18 February 2020

Radon Zombies of the Ionosphere

My lead pile reduces further with the completion of the Bob Murch Radon Zombie figures from his excellent Pulp Figures range, bought from North Star. I've coveted these figures for ages, but never really had a reason to possess them until Crooked Dice released 7TV Pulp

These figures are perfect for the kind of games that can be set in the world of those old black and white film serials that were staples of the Saturday Morning Pictures of my childhood. Here are some of the basic Radon Zombies with a variety of rayguns (they have to be rayguns, no one had lasers or light sabres back then).

Next, here is some heavy support in the shape of a dastardly beam projector or perhaps an Ion Cannon. This surely has to have a range of settings, beginning with "Stun" and passing via "Enslave" and "Kill" onto "Mutate", or worse, Mwahahahahahahaha!

Finally, here are a few characters;

From left to right, there is a guy with some kind of weird weapon (probably a Mind Control Projector, ready to turn the people of Earth into slaves), a female Commander and an undercover Zombie (surely completely undetectable in his fedora hat and trenchcoat?).

I really enjoyed painting these. They are nice clean models and don't really need much work, but do need a simple palette, I think, to keep to the production values of 1930s science fiction films. I used red and old gold on the weapons to lift the overall appearance of the figures from being too drab.

Now, all I need are some stalwart defenders, ready to protect the Earth from the evil plans of these cruel alien invaders.


  1. Those look great! Looking forward to seeing them in action.

    1. Thanks! Their time will come, I hope. A few people at the club have the rules, so we shall see when the Radon Zombies try and bring their evil masterplan to fruition.
