Thursday 27 October 2022

Here is the second part of my Zanzibari Arab project.

In my last post, I showcased leaders and Baluchis with jezails. Here I have some Zanzibari Arabs with muskets, various Arabs and more Baluchis, this time with with swords and to finish off, two more Arabs with fearsome double-handed swords.

These are all, once again Wargames Foundry figures.

I don't have any immediate plans for using them, but at least they are all now finished and packed safely away for use at some unknown time in the future.


  1. Carole -
    I like these fearsome fellows. I reckon I might be able to use some of them as models for my sketches (with which I have been adding to illuminate my own blog spot. Especially if we ever manage to revive the defunct 'In Darkest Aithiops' campaign. Great portrait models for my Touaouin Denizens of the Desert...

  2. I have these figures for my Zanzibari, nice work. Regards Simon
