Monday 15 March 2021

I foresee a few difficulties ahead with getting much painting done.

I hasten to add that these are not negative difficulties. They are small furry white ones and their names are Ralph and Dora.

Ralph on the left and Dora are our two new West Highland White Terrorists, They are full of beans and getting into everything. I am spending much of my time keeping an eye on them and stopping them from chewing unsuitable things such as cables, the rugs and pretty much everything else.

They do go to sleep occasionally, though.

And sometimes they look really sweet when they fall sleep in a little furry heap. They like sleeping on the back of the sofa.

They really are lovely little puppies, or as we sometimes call them for obvious reasons, "pluppies". 

Hopefully, I'll be able to grab a few hours here and there when they are tired, because despite how it sometimes feels, puppies do spend a large part of each day asleep.

Daisy, our surviving 14-year old Westie sister seems OK with them, although they do seem to get on her nerves occasionally and there have been growls and the occasional flash of teeth. The puppies will learn that she needs her space. It was heartening to watch all three of them playing on Sunday morning, though. Daisy was doing play bows and being all waggy and playful with them. I think it's going to turn out fine.

So, fewer minis will be painted for a while, but we now have Westie pups which makes everything better.


  1. Very cool little wife would like a West Highland Terrier but they are ridiculously expensive here in New Zealand so I am resisting!

    1. They aren't cheap dogs in the UK either, mainly because of a huge price hike during the pandemic, buy we had always planned on getting a new puppy after losing our Maisie last year. We ended up with two, because the one who is now Ralph was such a tiny cutie.
