Monday 20 April 2020

More Isolation Painting - the start of my Steampunk Victorians

Last year I started buying some figures to use for the In Her Majesty's Name rules from the Ministry of Gentlemanly Warfare. I have so far concentrated on the excellent range of figures produced by Ironclad Miniatures. I've bought quite a few to date, and I am now in the process of painting them.

Here are my first results. They may look quite familiar.

They are, on the left, The Consulting Detective and, on the right his Medical Amanuensis. These will obviously be valiant defenders of the Queen and her Empire against all manner of dastardly and evil opponents. Both are equipped with pistols and the Detective also carries a swordstick. The Amanuensis carries his medical bag, which is no doubt packed with all manner of interesting potions and lotions.

I have decided that I want the basing on these figures to be pretty minimal, so that they fit into urban settings predominantly, so all I have done is mould a layer of Miliput to cover the whole base and disguise the puddle bases on the actual figures.

I hope that people like them.

Next up, a couple of villainous types.


  1. The Detective very much resembles Jeremy Brett. I approve.

    Not sure who the Doctor reminds me of.

    1. Yes, he really does. Jeremy Brett is, for me the perfect Sherlock Holmes. No one else comes close.

    2. Certainly early on. His later appearences were marred by poor scrips and his ill-health.

      The closest to him is Clive Merrison's portrayal on the radio. With Michael Williams as his Watson, they were the first pair of actors to do all 60 of the original stories as a pair.

    3. Why yes, I *am* a Holmes nerd :-D

  2. Wonderful minis, lots of personality here.
