Wednesday 20 November 2019

Not played Saga in a while, until Sunday ...............

................ so here is what happened.

I got totally annihilated.

So, I'll show you the pictures of my Bad Squiddo Shieldmaidens, acting as generic Vikings and then just chat about the game a bit.

OK, so what actually happened? Well, the simple answer is that I rolled rubbish dice over and over again. My Saga dice rolls only gave me the rare S-shaped Sol (Sun) rune once in the entire game and when I really needed to roll high in combat I invariably failed to do so, thus losing my Hearthguard and Warriors to little effect. I also failed to realise until it was too late that the brown felt square in the final photo represented an area of Hard Cover, which meant that my bow Thralls had difficulty in killing off any of their opponents, but the Anglo-Danish archers killed off my Shieldmaiden Legendary unit without any difficulties at all. Perhaps charging across the table with gay abandon wasn't a good idea in the first place. They disappeared almost as quickly as my Berserkers usually do.

It didn't help that my opponents were Anglo-Danes, who seem to always defeat my Vikings, even when I use the board to boost my attacks. It seems to be one of those cases where the two boards tend to cancel one another out, leaving the dice pixies to decide who wins.

Still, it was nice to see my Shieldmaidens on the table again, I really love these figures. I think I'll love them even more when I start using them in Saga: AoM, but I need to get my mounted Shieldmaidens painted first.


  1. Sometimes it all comes down to dice. Alea jeacta est and all that.
    The figures are lovely. I bought some of the Squiddo figures to use as armed Rohirrim villagers in an LOTR campaign, and now I really want to get them painted up.

    1. Yes, they really are gorgeous minis, and the quality of the sculpts and castings makes them a joy to paint.

  2. Great little Viking force- shame the dice Gods were not smiling on them...are you aware of the Shadowforge range of Valkyries, available through Eureka? They are stunning sculpts - I have an entire army of them that occasionally take the field to confront hairy dark ages male warriors of various descriptions
