Wednesday 15 May 2019

He's big, he's red, he's got horns growing out of his head

Yes, he's another daemon, and he will be a Behemoth in my Saga AoM Otherworld warband. Of course, he could also play a role in Frostgrave and other games too. He is a multi-purpose monster.

He is from the North Star Frostgrave Bestiary, where he is listed as a "Major Demon". I don't think that anyone could realistically argue with that! The actual figure stands around 5.5cm high and is a two part model with a resin body and a metal head. To make him appear even more imposing I decided to base him on a rocky outcrop, so that he can really tower over the opposition's troops.

Here he is from behind;

This rear view really shows off the whirly patterns etched into his hide. I decided that I wanted these to glow with magical power, but not for this to dominate the figure. Therefore some parts of the patterns are glowing gold while others are just showing up as darker patterning.

I decided to keep the red/purple/brass/old gold theme I've used already, but I wanted him to be a lighter shade of red, so I gave his fleshy parts a glaze of Burnt Sienna Windsor and Newton ink after painting.

The base is made from dense blue insulation foam, roughly carved into a rocky shape. I glued on ballast of varying sizes and then gave the whole thing an undercoat with grey paint mixed with PVA glue. This was to ensure that when I spray undercoated the whole thing with black primer the propellant wouldn't eat into the foam.

Once painted, I added a few tufts to the rocks for a more natural effect. Once again, I am really happy with the results. I think that this warband is shaping up nicely.

Here he is again, with another figure for scale;

My female wizards certainly seem to have a pretty casual approach about standing around rocky objects and chanting. In true pantomime style, I feel it is essential to shout out the traditional warning "He's Behind You!"


  1. The beauty and the Beast!

  2. Spotted this glorious chap in the new issue of Miniature Wargames. Awesome!

    1. Thank you. I will admit to being really pleased with this figure. I haven't seen the article yet, I must try and track a copy down.
