Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Some 15mm Jump Off Points for Chain of Command

A long time ago, back in early 2017, to be precise, I painted up some JoPs for Coc in 15mm. I have used these ever since for my games of CoC, but I have always been conscious that they are actually a bit big and that they could better serve as small pieces of terrain. Also, I have always needed more of them

Anyway, at the club's Reveille show, I bought a blister pack of small Baueda items from Magister Militum that I thought would make better alternatives, and now I have painted them, ready for next Sunday's game against Brian's Soviets.

These are considerably smaller, each being based on a 3cm round MDF base, and they will be far less obtrusive on the table. In the blister there was also another piece, which is the one on the 5cm square base (which I have textured with Javis cork and sand and pebble mix). This will be useful for a number of things, but certainly will work as hard cover for infantry in CoC.


  1. I really like these. I have been lazy thus far and not made real jump off points yet. I made some based on US pennies that are really too small and easy to overlook. I have some slated for the workbench as I finish up my 2nd Kharkov Campaign. Your JOP's look great.

    1. Thanks. I think that they make a suitable 15mm version of the 28mm ones that were bundled up with the rules, being somewhat similar in appearance.

  2. Those look great as JOP markers, or just as scatter terrain

  3. Does anyone make (perfect 3D print fodder) thisbscatter stuff in 15mm?

    1. Kinda. This guy has great stuff. I have backed a number of his kickstarters. He has a cool WWII one going now with a train. ( These are designed with 28mm in mind but scale well. I have printed several items from his pirates one and they came out great. Until my printer went belly up, that is. But buying finished stuff, there are some out there but most are not 3d printed.
