Wednesday 22 August 2018

The Barbarian Hordes are gathered for battle

I've wanted to photograph all my Hyborian barbarian troops, using 15mm Copplestone barbarians together for ages  and on Sunday I had the chance, when I played my first game of Sword and Spear Fantasy at the club. I wasn't able to use the entire horde for the game, but here it is in all its glory;

I think that is a pretty impressive horde, but I'd like to add some more units at some point, although it isn't a priority.

As for the game, Pete and I fought a game with twelve units a side without worrying about points values. His army is based upon the Eastern Roman Empire of the Komnenian period.

I began by pushing all my cavalry forward on my left, while holding back on the right.

Pete advanced with horse archers against my Heavy Infantry Trolls and a unit of skirmisher archers, who wouldn't last long.

I slowly pushed my heavy infantry forward, supported by medium foot archers.

The central battle developed into one between Pete's armoured lancers and my foot. Amazingly, my foot triumphed, forcing the cream of Pete's cavalry off the table. My pack of savage wolves were also engaged against some heavy infantry as my heavy cavalry attacked Pete's Giants.

Pete threw more cavalry into the fray against my infantry shieldwall.

Unhappily for Pete, the dice fairies weren't helping him and he continued to lose units, making his position pretty hopeless, conceding the victory to my hairy chaps with loincloths and bad table manners.

Of course, for a first game, we both made mistakes with the rules, which helped me more than it did him, but we will learn from that. We also took a while to really understand how to use magic users and how the magic rules work, but we'll get there.

We are basing our units on an 8 cm frontage, mostly with two 4 cm wide units together, which means that we can use figures already based for HOTT, DBA, DBM etc.

Overall, a fun game. I am looking forward to playing these rules again.

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