Tuesday 30 November 2021

And finally, the rest of the Volkssturm

Here are the last of my figures for this little project, three squads making up the core Volkssturm Zug.

The first squad, plus the Zugführer (slightly out of focus with the pistol);

Followed by the other two squads;

Each squad has a Junior Leader with a SMG and eight riflemen.

I have painted some of the figures in dark blue uniforms to represent members of the Hitlerjugend. This seems to be what they wore once they had grown out of their shorts, as far as I can tell. To be honest, I don't really want to dive into too many websites covering this unsavoury organisation.

I've also used the same vaguely military colours that I used for the guys with Panzerfausts, to give an idea of old soldiers getting a tunic or greatcoat out of the loft or maybe grabbing something left behind by retreating Heer units. I've also given one or two brown clothing, which seems to have been widely used by a lot of NSDAP paramilitary organisations like the Reichsarbeitsdienst. The colour seems to vary, but it is often a kind of diarrhoea brown, which seems appropriate. 

Some of the figures have helmets and others forage caps and they all have the Volkssturm armband.

The number of different figures in the Peter Pig Volkssturm offering isn't huge, so I bulked them out with rifle-armed figures from their Afrika Korps range. They are wearing a lot of military kit, such as gas mask cases, but I don't think that it matters that much. Perhaps this particular Volkssturm unit came from an area where kit was a bit more plentiful.

The problem with the Volkssturm is that regardless of any official organisational charts, the reality was always a lack of uniformity or adherence to what the regulations might state, due to all manner of reasons. However, to put something on the table which will work in Chain of Command rules terms, I've had to give the thing a coherent shape. 

Here is what I have gone with;

HQ: Zugführer - SL with pistol 

2 x MG42 teams (3 crew, gunner, loader, ammunition carrier). These can be allocated to a squad, deployed as a team without a leader or kept under the control of the SL. n.b the ammunition carrier doesn't use a rifle separately.

8 x men with Panzerfausts and no other armament, to be allocated as desired.

3 x Squads (Gruppenführer - JL with SMG, 8 rifles)

The Zug is rated Green as laid out in the CoC rule book.


  1. This project is coming along nicely. The trick with rubbish forces like this is really in scenario design... otherwise veteran Western allies or Soviets just steam roller them.

    Or you can make up the difference with late war wacky equipment!

    1. Yes, it is all about the scenario. I am doing these for something specific for a Lardy Day next year.They won't be left all alone to face the Bolsheviks.

  2. Super job. They look like the hastily raised troops that they were.
