Here is the second group of four figures from Bloody Miniatures out of a total of 28 that I've recently completed.
These represent four experienced dismounted troopers, described as being Continental Mercenaries on the Bloody Miniatures website. I particularly like the somewhat dandyish figure on the left. He is clearly not a fop but a skilled and ruthless swordsman. The figure next to him is a dismounted cuirassier in half-armour, with short tassets rather than long cuisses, with his warhammer at the ready, maybe as a member of a storming party. The remaining two are the more commonly found harquebusiers, in a buff coat and a back- and breastplate, with the one on the right wearing a burgonet helmet.
I've given three of these the same dark blue and red uniforms I've been using elsewhere, because I like the combination, but also because when I get round to fielding a complete 17th century force, they will give it a core of uniformly-dressed troops. The lighter blue sashes are also part of this idea.