Monday, 24 February 2025

I've been painting more Bloody Miniatures figures

As anyone who follows this blog knows, I am a huge fan of the excellent 17th century figures from Bloody Miniatures. I've been working on 28 more figures, and I'm going to do separate posts of them in groups of four figures;

I really like this little group, which is called The Witchfinder General. As you can see, it contains the aforementioned Witchfinder, his Clerk, his unfortunate victim and a dismounted trooper to stop the poor girl from running away.

These have loads of character and were a joy to paint. Although they aren't necessary for any battlefield, I'm sure that there might be plenty of scenarios where a Witchfinder might have a role. 

The background is, yet again from one of Jon Hodgson's excellent books.

I'll post the next four in a day or two.

1 comment:

  1. Those look great. This looks like an interesting project.
