Wednesday 14 June 2023

Oh No! Not more Bloody Miniatures!

Well, yes it is, actually and it is the last eight from sets Three and Four. Scroll down to see them all.

These six are from three different sets but I've painted them with a common palette so that they could be a group of Commanded Shot from a single regiment. I really like the red, blue and yellow combination, although I know that contrast colour cuffs might be somewhat anachronistic.

Next are two more figures painted in a similar colour scheme.

The chap on the left is another figure from the Looters set (as is the drinking figure in the first photo) and the other is from the Parliament Men set, but I've given him a more flamboyant uniform than your average sober Puritan gentleman. He will be the leader of a 12-man unit of musketeers, currently being painted.

So, that is the end of the first four sets of these excellent miniatures. I ordered sets Five and Six a week or so ago, and they are now in the queue waiting to be prepped.

In the meanwhile, I have 24 musketeers nearing completion and 36 pikemen primed ready to be painted.

I've also prepped and undercoated 34 Spanish 28mm Napoleonic guerillas and leaders for a Sharp Practice project and the eight figures from the Silver Bayonet Spanish set, some of whom might also be useful for SP.


  1. Some one had to start the fashion of coloured cuffs, might well have been this lot.

    In any event, they look great which is the real point.

  2. Nice looking paint work. I was surprised how big Bloody Miniatures were compared to other manufacturers, but they are lovely sculpts.

    1. Yes, they are quite chunky, but they fit well with Bicorne Miniatures figures, which have the same sculptor and are also lovely sculpts.
