Tuesday, 28 January 2025

A very strange and unsettling graveyard

This is a project I started about 18 months ago, although I'd bought the various bits and pieces months before I started work on it. I finally completed it last week. Here is the overall piece, looking down from above;

 The model is around 40cm by 30cm, based on a sheet of MDF. The perimeter is made of Renedra railings and gate pieces and the pieces inside are all from Fenris Games with a couple of extra gravestones from Bad Squiddo. Below are some closer views of the graveyard, with Jon Hodgson backgrounds.

Now, this is clearly not your common or garden graveyard and who knows what kind of people, if people they are, might lie under the ground in such a place? Those gravestones seem to be slowly sinking into the ground and some of them a clearly very old indeed.

The various obelisks and columns hint at some very unusual religious practices and one really has to ask "Why is the water in the pool bubbling?". Of course, another relevant question might be "Who lies here and why are all the interments carried out at night under the baleful light of a gibbous moon?".

I'm really happy with how this piece has turned out. I think it is the perfect place to carry out some investigations into the practices of the locals and examine the sacred books kept under lock and key in the crypt of the local church.


  1. Love it! That's really cute. Now a Halloween scenario is in order so this can be the centerpiece.

  2. I was thinking: what kind of eldritch wights might dwell in such a necropolis; and what ceremonials take place there? Is this a final resting place, an overnight stay, or, for someone, a whole renaissance? I rather guessed, before noting the labels, that there was something Lovecraftian about this diorama...

    1. Yes, The Lovecraftian theme was always my intention, even before I started looking for models to use.

  3. Lovely atmospheric diorama!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471
